|| स्वागतम् || Namaste !
Develop Capability to become Immune
through Ayurveda Immunity care

This text “Sva Dehi Samarthya” is a collection of these Siddhanta which has been put forward for wise and erudite people of the society to guide them to lead a healthy and capable life.

Benefits of the Ayurveda

Ayurveda essentially means the knowledge of life. It is a precise combination of science and the art of healthy living. Ayurveda is popular for its extensive natural healing ways that work on illnesses and improve the general wellness of the human body and mind.

It does not simply mean chanting, yoga, applying packs, and massaging with oils, but branches deep into the psychological and physiological aspects of eliminating the root cause of health problems.

Who can choose the course?

People who really want to understand the roots of Ayurveda and how it is blessed to improve your life can join our course.

Yes, Our mentor is very enthusiastic about spreading knowledge of sacred Ayurveda.

Yes, You can access our course anytime anywhere in the world. 

If you follow our instructions you’ll definitely realize over periods of time that you healing inside to overcome anxiety.

I had severe breathlessness feeling , asthmatic conditions , on artificial oxygenation atleast 16 hours in a day , which has reduced to 8 hours in the night time only and in the day time I can walk and work in my house. This stage has come after starting your Ayurvedic treatment in india and continued Ayurvedic treatment in USA , for last six months . My family had lost the hopes of my survival in this world. My immunity is recovered , stamina improving and I am feeling better and remaining in touch with you through e mail.
Mrs. R M Amin, USA
According to me, Dr. Amin is a safe Ayurvedic physician and a revival of a safe traditional physician. in modern days. Indian traditional physicians ( vaidhya ) used to prepare their own hand-made medicines and treat the patients. his own prepared oil has given me a new life in my osteoarthritis Complaints. Your OIL for external application in any kind of arthritic pain is effective according to my experience.
Mrs. Pramila Patel, USA
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